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Koereyelle Dubose

Founder of WERK University

Koereyelle is a former educator who managed to turn her $32K teaching salary into a six-figure brand. She’s the Founder of WERK University – the First Black-Woman-Owned trade school for women of color. Its program shows students how to start a new stream using their existing skills.

With a passion for women and pizazz for entrepreneurship, Koereyelle hosts a weekly podcast show; Confessions of a WERKaholic which has been downloaded over 800k times and topped International  charts in Barbados, Bahamas, Jamaica and more.

She’s a Transformational Speaker, Award-winning entrepreneur and Educator who’s WERK has been featured nationally by Forbes, ESSENCE Magazine, Huffington Post, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, The Source, XO Necole, Rolling Out, NBC, TV One, VH1, FOX, and Bravo TV!

